Ring of Dreams Documentary

Documentaire / Nederland / "70 / 2019
Regisseur: Willem Baptist
Camera: Jefrim Rothuizen, Benito Strangio
Geluid: David Spaans
Componist: Tobias Borkert
Montage: Tim Roza, Ralf Verbeek
Geluidsnabewerking: Ranko Paukovic
Grading & FX: Barend Onneweer
Productie KRO-NCRV: Yolande van der Blij
Eindredacteur KRO-NCRV: Jelle-Peter de Ruijter
Uitvoerend producent: Koosje de Pooter
Producent: Tangerine Tree, Nienke Korthof, Willem Baptist

Visions du Reel 2019, RIDM Montreal Documentary Film Festival, Nederlands Film Festival (Nominatie: KNF Prijs van de Filmkritiek)

official website

In a world where fantasy meets reality Tengkwa leads a band of Dutch show wrestlers and tries to train a new generation of super heroes. With slim chances of fame and glory and little money to speak off, only the most die-hard of them will succeed. RING OF DREAMS tells the story of fighting for your dreams against the odds of our dreary daily lives.